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Umbarger Breeder/Grower
A 12% developer ration with STEAM FLAKED grains and added cottonseed hulls. Contains proteinates of zinc, manganese and copper.

Accelerator® 44% Beef Finisher
A medicated supplement formulated for cattle fed in confinement to improve feed efficiency.

Umbarger Cattle Blaster
A 12% high energy ration with STEAM FLAKED grains and added cottonseed hulls.

NutreBeef Grower/Finisher
Textured Feed is designed as a supplemental protein for cows and bulls, at every stage of breeding.

Umbarger Primer Plus
Primer Plus 13% has twice as much Amaferm & Lasalocid has been increased to aid in the prevention of Coccidiosis.
Kalmbach Medicated Milk Replacer
A fully fortified milk replacer providing nutritional requirements from birth through weaning.

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